Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Why Is An Education Important To My Future?"

My future is a place where i have to spend the rest of my life. I have many experiencesto look
forward to and enjoy. Education plays a very important role in making my life inthe future as
complete and fulfilling as possible. In my future, I have to face many obstacle to obtained my goal. I will want to have a beautiful home, a good car, get married, have children and many other thing that could make my life better and comfortable cause the possibilities are endless. I would like to children that are in troubled situations and encourage them that there is hope. I want to travel the world and see new places and different cultures. I want to know how technology works. I want to be involved.

How can I accomplish these things? Well, there are 2 paths that I can follow. The first option is if I don't consider going to college, I can leave high school and begin working in a difficult job with
minimum pay, if I can even find one. This job will cause me to work longer hours, giving me less
time. Ican probably rent an apartment and only go to it in between work shifts. I will have less
time to look for a wife and get married. Children are now completely out of question because
they need a great amount of time and they are very expensive. I will not be able to take vacation
time to see the world as I would like because I do not have plenty of time and the bills are piled
high. My low paying job has caused me to lose the important times of my life and my dreams are

The other path I can take is getting a college education. I can graduate from high school and
begin my life as a college in the city or area I desire. I can learn many new things in and out of
the classroom. I can meet new people and have fun as well. I can receive my knowledge and
degrees and work where I want to work. I will be able to have time and ability to show the
children how important an education really is and become a positive role model to them. I will
now be able to complete all my dreams and goals. I know that college will offer me a wonderful
experiences with endless opportunity. I will show every person that has ever helped me, that
their efforts have paid off on me.

As the conclusion, education is important to the future because it is the true line between living a
full life with all my dreams at my fingertips, and living in a comfortable life.